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Health Canada Approval, Yes...but Why?

In Canada, autoclaves used in the medical field are regulated by Health Canada. Specifically, they fall under the Medical Devices Act (MDA) and its related regulations, the Medical Devices Regulations (MDR).

The LIM and RIM establish regulatory requirements for the safety, effectiveness and quality of medical devices, including autoclaves. These requirements cover various aspects such as design, manufacturing, labelling, packaging, testing and documentation.

To be marketed and used in Canada, autoclaves must obtain approval from Health Canada, which assesses the product's compliance with regulatory standards. Autoclave manufacturers must submit an application for approval to Health Canada, along with the necessary data to demonstrate the product's safety and effectiveness.

Health Canada approval is typically indicated by the presence of a medical device licence number on the autoclave or in its associated documentation.

It is essential for healthcare professionals to comply with these regulations by using Health Canada approved autoclaves and following appropriate sterilization recommendations to ensure patient safety and regulatory compliance.


Podo-Logic Medical Establishment License Number: 6214
License number for ICANCLAVE autoclave: 93569

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